Etymotic Earplugs ER-15 featured

Etymotic Earplugs ER-15 Manuals 2024

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Etymotic Earplugs ER-15

Etymotic Earplugs ER-15

General Information

Identifying the earmolds

  • Right earmold: • red dot
  • Left earmold: • blue dot or no marking

Moisten mold for ease of insertion. Pull the ear outward and upward while easing the mold into the ear canal.


Remove attenuator button from mold. Use water and mild soap on the mold only. Dry mold before replacing button.

Reasons to replace the molds and/or attenuators
Discoloration, shrinkage, cracking, hardening of the earmold material, or deterioration in performance.

Identifying the Attenuators

Most attenuator buttons have the number 9, 15 or 25 stamped on the button. Some have either a black or a white sealing ring, others are plain, depending on the style, color, attenuation characteristics and the manufacturing process. These identifiers and bands do not affect the performance of the attenuators. Each attenuator is carefully constructed and measured to assure uniform acoustic properties.

Etymotic Earplugs ER-15 fig 1

Solid Plugs

Some inserts are solid; some have a diaphragm sealed with epoxy. The average attenuation of Etymotic’s sealed button is 30 dB, measured at E-A-RCAL Laboratories by the ANSI Real-Ear-Attenuation-at-Threshold method.
Note: When the sound channel of the earmold is plugged, the total attenuation is dependent on the insert plus the earmold seal.

Recommended Earplugs

Musicians practice and perform in a variety of different settings and they are exposed to high levels of sound, sometimes for long periods. They require different amounts of protection, depending on the sound levels they encounter during rehearsal and performance.

Buttons are interchangeable.
Some musicians use one type of attenuator in one ear and another type in the other, depending on the source and location of sound.

for Music Professionals

Harmful sound comes from:

Etymotic Earplugs ER-15 fig 2

Musicians Earplugs Defined

Musicians Earplugs are flat-response attenuators that lower sounds evenly at all frequencies. Sound heard with these earplugs has the same quality as the original, just quieter.

Etymotic Earplugs ER-15 fig 3

Other Products

ER-20 High Fidelity earplugs are ready-fit earplugs that preserve sound quality while reducing sound levels approximately 20 dB at all frequencies. ER-20s reduce harmful sound without distorting speech and music.

ER-6 Isolator earphones™ are used with personal players such as CD, DVD, MP3 and computers. earphones have the best sound quality and highest sound isolation of all earphones and earbuds in their class. earphones plug directly into your Musicians Earplugs with a special adapter.

Styles & Colors

Etymotic Earplugs ER-15 fig 4

©2003 Etymotic Research, Inc.


How long do earplugs last?
In this, the lifespan of the earplug depends greatly on the frequency of use of the earplug. Simply put, how often you use the earplugs. If you take the place on vacation once a year, a set of earplugs might last you years. But if you use earplugs on a daily basis when sleeping, a set will last you 3 months on average.
How many times can I use earplugs?
If you are using foam ear plugs for more than a few hours, we thoroughly recommend replacing them before your next use. Not only is it hygienic to do so, the efficacy of the foam to block sound diminishes overtime.
Can you wear earplugs all the time?
While earplugs are generally safe, there are a few possible side effects that can occur with nighttime use, especially if you’re someone who uses them daily. The risks of sleeping with earplugs might include: Earwax and ear infections. One possible risk of sleeping in earplugs is a buildup of earwax.
How do you clean earplugs?
For reusable earplugs, remove dirt and stuck-on earwax by soaking them in a small dish of hydrogen peroxide. Remove any debris that you can see on the surface, then rinse thoroughly under cold water. Dry by pressing gently between two towels, then leave to air dry completely before using.
How much sound do earplugs block?
Most earplugs reduce sound by 10-30 dB. Common earplug protection levels include 15, 20 and 25 dB. Earplugs do it in different ways though. Some are designed to reduce steady background noise, some mask all noise, some filter sound and still others are designed to protect against sharp bursts.

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