Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Feature

Hora Music Rack 1.0 Plugins For VCV User Manual

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Hora Music Rack 1.0 Plugins For VCV User Manual

Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig24


Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Feature

  • MODULATIONS modulation source generator
  • VCO-VCF-VCA complete synth voice ensemble
  • PROCESSOR audio signal treatment and special FX


  • Pure VCO is a voltage-controlled oscillator that generates complex waveforms. The core wave can be morphed from sine to triangle and then is folded in a specific way to give harmonics without sharp edges in the folded waveform.
  • A switch allows to use another type of folding that create unbalanced folding with different amplitudes in the resulting ripples. This creates different rich harmonics in a way that avoid aliasing.
  • Thanks to its audio input, the module can also be used as a voltage-controlled wave folder that can add harmonics and distortion to the incoming signal in a very specific way.

Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig2


Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig3

  • Coarse
    Set the general pitch
  • Fine
    Set the precise pitch
  • Multiplier
    how many time the wave is folded
  • Octave
    Set the pitch by octaves
  • Triangle switch
    triangle wave or unbalanced folding
  • Fold
    fold intensity
  • Sine/tri morph
    fade between sine and triangle
  • FM
    pitch modulation


  • Sine/tri morph
    lade CV input
  • Audio in
    wavefolder external input
  • Fold
    fold intensity CV input
  • FM
    pitch modulation CV input
  • Pitch
    Pitch control IV/Oct CV input
  • Sync
    Oscillator phase reset gate input


  • Out
    osc +wavefolder output wavefolder output when audio in connected


  • Timbre is a 4 modes VCF inspired by experiences on analysing, copying and modifying real hardware OTA VCFs.
  • The filter is not based on VCV filter algorithms but developed with Vult (trans-compiler for high performance DSP, developed by Leonardo Laguna Ruiz).
  • The algorithm offers non-linearity into the gain structure of the filter and a specific type of resonance. The resonance can also be “overloaded”, for a warm bass sound in low pass mode.
  • As the development stage allowed to try several interesting sound path circuitry for the resonant feedback loop (linear, non-linear, clip), the module allows the user to do the same. The filter offers send and return in/out that bypasses the internal feedback loop and allows to modify it with sound effects or VCA to get voltage-controlled resonance.
  • Another specific feature of this filter is the accent input that can be used for XoX bassline sequences.

Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig4


Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig5


  • Gain
    Input level
  • Mode
    set the filter mode: LP HP BP Notch
  • Overload
    resonance feedback
  • Frequency
    filter cut off frequency
  • Freq. mod
    filter frequency modulation attenuator
  • Resonance
    resonance of the filter
  • Accent
    internal envelope boost


  • Input
    signal to be treated
  • Accent
    Internal envelope trigger input
  • Freq 1
    Filter frequency Cv input 1
  • Freq 2
    Filter frequency Cv input 2
  • Return
    Resonant feedback loop return


  • 24 db
    filter output with 24db/Oct slope
  • 12 db
    filter output with 12db/Oct slope
  • Send
    Resonant feedback loop send


Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig6

Amplitude is made of two VCAs that offer voltage-controlled attenuation – inversion (called strength). The two VCAs outputs and an auxiliary input are sent to a mixer. The aux input has a dedicated attenuator. It also includes a led quadrant on each VCA :

  • Vertical position displays the phase and amplitude of the incoming signal (positive or negative)
  • Horizontal position displays the phase and amplitude of the control signal (strength).
  • Like on the “timbre VCF” there is an accent input for x0x style sequences.
  • This module is more than a VCA and can be used as a mixer, attenuator, inverter, VC polariser,…

Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig6


Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig8


  • Strength
    amplitude/phase of the signal
  • Accent
    internal envelope boost
  • Aux
    additional input level
  • Mix level
    mix of the 3 treated signals


  • Input
    signal to be treated
  • Strength
    amplitude/phase CV input
  • Accent
    Internal envelope trigger input
  • Aux
    additional input


  • Out
    Treated signal
  • MixB
    mix of the 3 treated signals



Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig9

  • Twin Quartet is a dual quadratic LFO. It can be used for rotary effect, Shepard tones, stereo/ quadraphonic control.
  • The core of the module has two separated LFO with a selectable waveform for each. They are linked by their frequencies.
  • The left LFO (master) has a fully controllable frequency, while the frequency of the right LFO (slave) uses a multiple of the master LFO from /8 to x8).
  • Each LFO has 4 phase state outputs. The phase (X) can be set by the user or by CV control, from 0° to 90° between each output.


Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig10


  • Master rate
    frequency of the master LFO
  • Reset
    phase reset of both LFOs
  • Slave rate
    slave LFO freq. div. or mult. by the master freq.
  • Waveform
    selector for each LFO: sine, tri, saw, square With of the phase between each output


  • Master rate
    frequency of the master LFO CV modulation
  • Slave rate
    div/ mult of the slave LFO CV modulation
  • Reset
    phase reset of both LFOs trig input
  • XD
    Phase modulation input


  • Outs
    4 ouputs IFO with X° of phase between each output


Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig11

  • Relief is a dual complex envelope generator with level detector and gate delay. It can be used for bouncy effect and complex triggering.
  • Each of the envelope generator has two classic stages: attack and decay, both CV controllable.
  • Once the cycle is completed, there will be a trigger emitted out of the end of cycle output. This signal can be used to trigger any other event. It can be used to trigger the next envelope for a complex 4 stages envelope. It can also be self-patched to the gate input to create a lfo.
  • The level detector will create a gate signal whenever the envelope signal is above a defined threshold.
  • Relief also features a gate delay that can be used to convert a trigger into a gate or to postpone it. The output of the gate delay can trigger the 2nd envelope by using the toggle switch.


Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig12


  • Manual
    push to trigger the envelope
  • Attack
    length of the attack stage
  • Decay
    length of the decay stage
  • Dec/release
    select between AD and ASR mode
  • Threshold
    set the value of the level detector
  • level
    amp of the envelope
  • Delay
    length that separates the trigger from the gate
  • P.W.
    length of the gate
  • Switch
    selects to trigger envelope 2


  • Gate in
    trigger the envelope
  • Attack
    modulation length of the attack stage
  • Decay
    modulation length of the decay stage
  • level
    modulation amp of the envelope
  • trig in
    trigger the gate delay


  • Threshold
    gate output when the envelope cross the threshold
  • Env
    envelope output
  • EOE
    trig output at the end of the envelope
  • EOD
    trigger output at the end of the delayed gate
  • Delay out
    delayed gate output



Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig12

  • The Hora Follower creates an envelope signal that follows the general amplitude of an audio source.
  • The speed of the follower (decay) can be set by the user.
  • The module also offers a gate or trigger input that opens whenever the envelope passes over a defined threshold.

Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig12


Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig15


  • Gain
    input level
  • Decay
    Speed of the follower
  • Threshold
    set the value of the level detector
  • Gate mode
    select between gate and trig for the level detector


  • In
    audio signal to be followed


  • Amp out
    amplified audio signal
  • B CV
    signal generated by following the amp of the audio signal
  • Gate
    emits a gate signal when the envelope crosses the defined level threshold.


Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig16

The Hora delay is a voltage-controlled audio delay effect. The buffer of the delay can be read in 3 different ways: normal, reverse and half reverse (forward and then backward).

Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig17


Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig18


  • Time
    length of the delay
  • Feedback
    amount of repetition
  • Balance
    mix between wet and dry signal
  • Gain
    input level
  • Range
    general length of the delay
  • Mode
    reading mode of the buffer


  • Time
    length of the delay CV mod input
  • Feedback
    amount of repetition CV mod input
  • Balance
    mix CV mod input
  • Reset
    phase reset of both IFOs trig input
  • In
    audio signal to be repeated


  • Mix
    Balance dependent audio output
  • Dry
    unaltered signal audio output
  • Wet
    repetitions only audio output


Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig18

  • The spectral processor is a 16-channel bandpass filter, it can work as a real-time performance filter, a programmable compound equaliser and even as a spectrum transferring vocoder.
  • It shares the same interface as the Buchla 296e and offers the same features such as Xfer or voltage-controlled A-B morphing.

Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig20



Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig20

  • The spectral processor splits the incoming signal in 16 separated fixed bandpass filter with general Q control.
  • Each band can be attenuated by its touch pad or by its CV input. Each of them can generate a CV signal . thanks to its envelope follower with editable decay.
  • When one input is connected, the module will process the sound through the 16 filter bands,
  • when both inputs are connected, the odd input will be sent to the odd bands and the even input will feed the even bands as two parallel sound paths.
  • The audio level of each band can be monitored with the OUT button.

Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig22



Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig23

  • The band level can be set by the touch pads and then saved in two different states A and B.
  • The two states can be accessed and edited with the A and B button.
  • A continuous fading between the two states can be programmed with the A/B knob or CV control.
  • This morphing can be monitored with the PROG button.


Hora Music-Rack-1.0-Plugins-For-VCV-Fig24


In addition to the touch pad control and the program fea- ture, the level of each band can be controlled by a voltage signal with the input under each touch pad. a


  • Each band has its own envelope follower and will output a CV signal depending on the audio level received in the filter (jack output above each touch pad). A
  • The amplitude of the CV can be edited with the touchpad using the ENV button.
  • The decay of the CV can be edited with the touchpad using the DEC button. B


The XFER sends the envelope out of a band to the next band’s VCA CV input. It allows two internal routing options:

  • EO: sending every even band env output to the next odd band vea input
  • O>E: sending every odd band env output to the next even band vca input
  • EXT: no internal routing.
  • This is especially useful when two different sources are fed to the odd and even bands to create cross modulation ampli- tude, vocoder effects, applying the amplitude of a signal to another sound source, …



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